Rangeland Ready

Raised for hardiness and commercial profit

Etiwanda White Dorpers are Rangeland Ready

What does Rangeland Ready mean?


Rangeland Ready

Rangeland Ready

Hardy, profitable, unpampered White Dorpers that have never been shorn, grain fed or hoof trimmed. Grass raised on the Rangelands of Cobar and performance recorded on LAMBPLAN. Rangeland Ready to go – bred like they ought to be!

Rangeland Ready Rules

We use LAMBPLAN to provide practical information on the genetic potential of our animals & monitor our breeding program - objectively.



By running the animals extensively we apply sufficient pressure on the ewe flock to force out the unadapted and infertile animals.



The natural resources placed under our stewardship are managed in a regenerative manner.



In addition to growth and performance, we select for other vital economic traits like fertility, lambing ease, moderate ewe size, muscling ability, structural correctness, disposition and longevity.



Sheep are run in a real-world environment, as tough as or tougher than the environment most commercial ewes are run in.



Replacement ewes are developed on a low-cost, rangeland based diet with minimum supplements. We only want the most efficient and most adapted ewes to make it into the breeding flock.



We let the environment sort out the profitable ones; we show no sympathy for empty or dry ewes.



A ram lamb must be born unassisted to make it into one of our ram sales.



A ewe must produce and wean at least one lamb every year to remain in the flock.



Our honesty & integrity will not be compromised.



Overfeeding Rams hides a myriad of problems and creates many more